You read the subject correctly! My gorgeous BC marans chicks from a fellow BYC'er hatched successfully yesterday, a few eggs weren't developing but I couldn't see into them and they didn't smell so I only knew AFTER I had cracked them opened once the hatch was over. I got 4 beautiful chicks, 3 are flockable (for my breeding plans) and one will have to go to either MY layer flock or someone elses layer flock as the poor thing was born with a defect making it not worthy of the pure pen. It's sad because it's so darned cute well all marans are. :) I celebrated to the breeder my new babies, and about the one that isn't perfect and she offered to send me more hatching eggs for shipping to up my chick talk about generous!!! So next week sometime I will be getting MORE beauties from her to feed to my hungry incubator! Not to mention my other pal from BYC who said she'd be sending me another package of eggs Pmed me tonight! She's sending them tomorrow! Which means monday I'll be up bright and early estatic to no end waiting on the mail lady! I think they will mostly be BC marans from her but they may also be marans crosses so those are always fun and cute! So how am I so lucky!? I will never know, but you betcha I won't take it for granted...and plan to pay it forward as much as I can in the future. Kindness stretches far and wide in my book. :)
I don't know if I mentioned but I also now am the mother 2 mallard ducklings. They are soo darned cute! I was amazed that they are so fine outside already, it's been staying above freezing and they've been loving it! I've been keeping them outside in our one barn at night in a pet kennel thing. Then they go in one of my pens and play in their water all day long :) They are just sweet as pie.....or Cake (that's for Mark inside joke sorta thing). :p Anywho, the "male"is Chuy (said Chewy), and the "hen" is McDiver (hubby named her don't blame me)! LOL!
My beautiful coturnix chicks are growing like weeds a little bit over a week old now. :) I made a cute video you can watch of them in my brooder, watch to the very end and see the golden chick peck at the camera lense *gig* : I normally upload to photobucket but it wasn't uploading I made myself a youtube account. :)
Welp I think that's all for now. :) First day of trout saturday, also due saturday is around 80 some chickens for another fellow BYCer of mine to come and pick up on sunday. :D I have some coturnix due around thentoo from my own flock! Oh and I had thought my A & M roo wasnt doing his job... found out today the wrong way to find out. I was turning eggs...pulled on the tray and wasnt paying attention the tray slid all the way out and two eggs fell and cracked on the floor of the incubator. I opened the one up it wasnt fertile... the second one was *cries*. Well atleast I know now. *drags feet*
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