Theres way over 30 in the brooder right now, with a little under 30 still left in the incubator to hatch. Got some AMAZINGLY GORGEOUS chicks!!! The main chick in this first picture is "Patch Adams" Patch for short. Most interestingly marked chick I've seen so far (as far as tuxedos go). Half of it's face is almost all yellow, other half is splotchy marked. I don't care roo or hen it's staying. This is exactly the type of HIGH WHITE I want to go for. Now, just need more white on the wings and I'll be happy.
This cutie is a almost completely black backed chick....THIS is what I want to strive for...however omit the white on the face....I'm sure I can get there someday and this is a wonderful start to have. :D Theres a few other chicks almost identical to this but they have glints of red on their back like my chick Klown does.
This is a group of the darks I hatched most are mismarked tibetans rather than pure tuxedos. I don't care what they are GREAT start on my darks!
This cutie is a almost completely black backed chick....THIS is what I want to strive for...however omit the white on the face....I'm sure I can get there someday and this is a wonderful start to have. :D Theres a few other chicks almost identical to this but they have glints of red on their back like my chick Klown does.
It may be hard to tell but these two cuties are unlike anything I've seen before in coturnix chicks. They almost look like goldens, however they are cinnamon compaired to a golden. So they MAY be like a golden range or something. I will have to just wait and see what they mature to look like. This is an unexpected suprise for sure!
This is a group of the darks I hatched most are mismarked tibetans rather than pure tuxedos. I don't care what they are GREAT start on my darks!
Theres also a TON of A & Ms as well as browns. 15 of which are going to a BYCer in another state (forget which right now haha)! Anywho, I'm raising them up to 3 weeks then going to ship them out to her and her kiddos. So far they've had two shipments of coturnix chicks (day old chicks) and the arrivals were 100% DOA to my knowledge. So, I offered to raise up her chicks that I hatch and don't need for myself and ship out to her when they are older and more potentially able to handle being shipped. I am excited to do it! I also have Rhode Island Reds hatching tonight, they are being taken tomorrow to our Johnstown Tractor Supply to meet up with a guy who wants them for his laying plans. :) So far theres something like 7 of the 34 eggs hatched...they better hurry up ha ha because we're meeting him at 1 pm tomorrow! LOL!
Welp going to send this off...OH and there was also buttons hatched....but only looks well a cute lil cinnamon. :D
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