Monday, April 20, 2009

13 BC Marans In the Bator!

Got my eggies from my one buddy! They are gorgeous just as they were the first time I got eggs from her and 13 this time! Cannot complain! I am spoiled! I also got 2 EE x Marans, and a few Orpington x Marans from her as well! Woohoo!!! Another BYCer gifted me for basically no reason other than out of the kindness of his heart, several never used water bottles AND a good bit of quail cartons!!! The generosity I find others makes me almost want to cry out of happiness. Good quality waterbottles are expensive so these ones (all weather) are very much so needed! I'm going to train 8 pens to them that way if I ever have to leave on emergency I will KNOW that my quails have water plus it also adds room to the pens for the birds omitting a bowl. :)

I also had 59 Rhode Island Reds, and RIR x WLH cross chicks hatch the other day, the hatch took 3 days to finish! Anywho my friends are coming over tomorrow to pick them up and resell them since they have MANY more customers than I do lol. I get to show them how to vent sex chicks knowing that is a real true benifit that's for sure! :) I need to vent sex my bc marans from the other breeder and mark them so I know for sure who's who. I did already, but I also sexed a bunch of other chicks as well so I honestly forget. LOL! I will probably do that after I finish this blog entry.

I kept one of the RIR chicks, a pullet...she's adorable. I mean she's cuter than all the rest just her baby doll face, to her chipmunky markings. Not sure what we're going to name her yet, but she'll get the royal suit getting to live with the BC marans when I fix up their pen for them. :) Ofcourse once she's older with feathers ;) I'll add her picture to the top here just for cuteness factor.

My coturnix chicks from that major hatch I had are growing well and looking cute as ever. They're starting to pop a lot no ones hurt themselves yet but Im going to be clipping wings soon because obviously theres some skiddish ones in there and I'd be upset to find some with broken necks from being lil spazzes for no reason. Just as I typed this two flew straight upt together luckily they fell before they bonked lol.

I sent out some test hatching coturnix eggs to 2 other BYCers to try out to see how my fertilty holds up in shipping and what not. :) It's so fun to do that. I have one more to send out after that but no eggs yet so gotta collect hopefully tomorow I get 6+.

I got my first jumbo brown chick from my own jumbo brown birds... it was the only egg I set for that hatch and it hatched. :) YAY!

My reds and red tuxedos hatch on thursday! :D

Hubby and I have been fishing everday since hte first day (saturday)... loving it!!! Caught 9 total today...and ate 6 of them :) YUM! I hated trout until I got a great recipe from a friend of mine YEP you guessed it on BYC. LOL! Now eating trout is like eating salmon to me! YUMMMERRS! Going fishing to morrow for a bit then coming home tideying up the house some and sellin and sexing some chicks LOL

1 comment:

Carolyn Evans-Dean said...

What color eggs do you get when you cross an EE with a Marans? Are they an olive green or is it a crapshoot as to whether they will lay dark eggs or green/blue?