Sorry about that for anyone who does read this :) Just been busy fishing, I personally have only caught like 11 trout... really sad number compaired to what previous years had been haha. It's still fun though.
Lets see about updates here :)
I shipped out my first ever live chicks (I said I never would but now that I've recieved and sent out chicks its not bad at all nothing really to worry about as long as precautions are taken). I sent 17 chicks, and only one parished, which didn't sadden me at all (Sorry it didnt) it was more like a packing peanut and sure it would have been wonderful if it made it but you have to expect some casualties especally when going from PA to Colorado! Their new owners are very pleased with them and that's all I can ask for! It's deffinatly not about the money like someone joked to me on BYC I just really enjoy sharing my love with others....I really enjoy hatching for others....just something so fullfilling about giving what I've produced and cared for to someone else to enjoy be it eggs or chicks or adult birds. If it wasn't for needing to pay for my own hobby I'd only ask for shipping on every shipment! :) Maybe I'll get rich someday and can do that :) :P
I was called the Serial Quailer tonight made me laugh....because I'm like the coturnix quail recruiter....I drag people in with cutness and before they know it they are coturnix obsessed JUST like ME! LOL! My evil plan in the works....I don't know how many people I've caused this addiction to already but it's very fun and halarious to me. :) Well, not to mention entertaining haha. Those poor souls they don't know what hit them! My "evil plan" is to eventually have coturnix so well known that they know them as well as a normal chicken.....after all, people in cities who cannot have chickens but want to enjoy eggs daily (and meat) if they knew about coturnix they'd be very pleased with the results! If they get the right color (brown or golden) they can sex them at 3 1/2 weeks just by looking at their breast feathers (roos are rusty brown tinted and hens are black speckled in the breast) then they can cull the roos when they are 6-8 weeks and put the hens out in a rabbit hutch or something innocent looking like that and as long as the hens get daily sunlight in spring and summer they will lay almost daily (some hens take a day break after 3 days of laying etc but are right back at it the day after). Then in the winter if they still want eggs, either bring them inside in indoor rabbit cages or put lighting on them for atleast 14 hours a day and wala they will continue to lay! The hens make SOME noises but are for the most part very quiet...the roos ofcourse do crow during breeding season (spring summer and when under artificial light in winter) so ofcourse most cities that aren't allowed neighbors may complain but omit the roos and you've got great birds that barely anyone will notice! If they do just tell them they are pigeons problem solved! haha! *see how evil i am?* LOL
I will be shipping out my second shipment of quails here ina few weeks to another Pa'ian that's abtou5 hours away so too far for him to drive to meet even and shipping to him is the next day so those chicks will only be in transit for just a few hours tops! :) I am enjoying it so much! I haven't sold my first eggs yet. I sent out some testing eggs for just shipping to a couple members of BYC, and had a contest and my friend Mark won it so he got his just yesterday so soon I will get to hear about more Catawba Quails hatching from PA to Michigan and California and more! So fun! I wanted testers just to insure my birds fertility along with my own incubating. Well I am pleased to announce as of today all my pens that have been laying religiously ARE FERTILE! So all my testers should have great hatches unless the eggs were scrambled. My A & M pen I had questioned, but soon after incubating the eggs I finnally saw the roo doing his job! And today I got to see the results! So far Enceno (the roo) has 5 babies to be proud of! They will become a flock for another pen of A & Ms with a different A & M roo from another line to breed to them so I don't inbreed or atleast not too closely. :)
My BC marans are growing gorgeously! I have three chicks in the brooder from the one line they are going through their uglies right now but they are going to be gorgeous no doubt about it! On the 10th of May the last batch of Marans I have in the incubator will be due! Soon after that I should be getting another doz from a wonderful breeder in California (same breeder that the ones in my brooder are from)! I am so pleased with how wonderful other breeders are in this breed that's a hard thing to find the generosity! :) I cant wait to repay the breeder to the ones in my inc now with coturnix eggies here sometime in may! :D The bird pictured at the top is my oldest Cockerel from Funny Farms...he's "Catawbas Boot" :) Starting to get in his coppering :)
Then on the 11th I have turkeys due! One black spanish, 1 blue slate, and 3 narganesettes (sp?). Then I'm swapping several dozen coturnix eggs with a fellow Pa'ian AND BYC'er for a couple Bourbon Red turkey eggs (AND CALL DUCK EGGS)! SPOILED I AM SPOILED! :) Out of the turkey varieties there are the Bourbons are deffiantly my favorite! I plan to keep the blue slate as well, and more than likely the black spanish and a nargie but a few are either going to be sold or grown up for thanksgiving I know so sad but I can't keep them all and they'd have a great use and be much appreciated that way. I'd love to keep them all but with my other projects it's not possible.
Hubbies mallards (i call them his because he loves them dearly) are growing so gorgeously! I pinnoned them today along with several of my coturnix chicks. I felt bad but I want to ensure they dont go flying off and being killed. I tried to look at it as an ear piercing...painful for a few moments but soon after it's like nothing...and that is how it was for them and the blood was very minimal. When I first read about pinnoning I NEVER wanted to do it even the thought of it made me sad....however rather than hoping they don't molt out their clipped wings and fly off before I notice I thought this was safer in the long run...and this way they can sitll have most of their gorgeous wing feathers they just cannot fly away or atleast cannot fly off...maybe hover and fly a few feet but nothing severe. I want them safe and at home. :)
I should be getting silkie eggs in tomorrow from show quality stock! I'm getting them from a wonderful friend she knows who she is! *hugs* I can't wait to hatch them out grow them up and show them off to her and her future customers Im sure she will be pleased to see her babies! I also will be in several months from now getting Black East Indies bantam ducks from her. I have always wanted them and she has them! *jaw drops* :) Hers are too young righ tnow to lay but she promised me when they are I get some and that's more than I can ask for so I don't mind waiting they are hard to find! LOL!
OH my gosh! I almost forgot! My red, and red tuxedos hatched! I got like 1 red tuxedo, 1 red golden, 2 reds, and a few normal goldens and a few browns from that hatch. I plan to buy from the breeder again ANNND she offered to let me in on a project she's working on I will get to hatch eggs from her project breedings sometime in november I cannot wait! :)
Well I am going to end this here :)