So theres some changes going on here, I won't be raising GS marans with my pal atleast not right yet. I'm hatching her cuties actually tonight (well they are pipped) and she'll be taking them all home (whatever hatches) I may collect some of the excess she doesn't want later but I'm not sure. My focus is so off the wall now that hubby and I are planning for a baby. My goals are changing. :) I'm not sad about it, I mean it would be so fun to work with GS marans so I may still, however I'm just unsure right now and with the ecnomy the way it is I'd rather keep my expenses low (feed expenses) for my hobby since I make no profit on these birds, just make enough to feed, bed and care for them which is all I ask. :)
I had my first red eggs hatch today (from my red hens) and it was only two eggs I had put in the bator, so I got one golden (cries) and one red tuxedo (you'd think i'd be happy but im not...because...). The red tuxedo though had complications hatching thanks to my faulty wafer it dried out it's membrane so the lil cutie was ready to hatch but couldnt so it was stuck in there and pretty weak. I assisted it (all the others had a perfect hatch even though..) and it's so weak it wont even open it's eyes. SO i may not even get to enjoy my first homebred red tux! *cries* I'm not really sad just frusterated....I just got to wait a few more days until more hatch is all :).
I have sooooo many of all my other colors in my brooder it's distusting. I think im up to almost 100. I did not plan for that many....I didn't think I'd get such good hatch rates. haha. I shouldnt complain though. The tuxedos I hatched are absolutly gorgeous! My dream markings! So I hope to keep this going. The darks are beautiful too. Got lots of large goldens too. :) Not to mention some funky browns with yellow eye brows hoping they feather out differently if they do then I will be breeding for them. :P
The silkie chicks that I hatched from a sweet girl on BYC are absolutly STUNNING! Valted amazingly!!!! One splash (I named Toby it just looks like a Toby lol) and two blues! That means if atleast one is a pullet I've got wonderful chances of getting MORE nice splashes :) I iwll have to post a picture of them on here huh? :P
My capuchine pigeons are starting to mate so I'm hoping that means eggs soon *crosses fingers* my mallard ducks ...the drake is getting SOO Gorgeous! I need to take some new pictures of him before he transforms completley out o fhis baby plumage into his adult breeding plumage. :) HIs headis almost completley green on the one side :) My chocolate calls are now friends with them which is great :) I had to pinnion their two ducklings today I felt so bad doing it but it's for their future safety.
well I will end this here with some pictures :)
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