Monday, February 16, 2009

White Leghorn chickies hatched yesterday!

So on valentines day the white leghorn chicks from ArabiansR2Cool started to pip, but didnt start hatching until sunday (15th), one took until today to come out into the world! So I have 7 lil annoying peepers! They are lucky they are cute cuz boy are they noisey! LOL!

That pic right there is of only 5 of them, the big white one up front giving me a sideways stare is
actually a golden comet mutt :).
The second picture here is of one of the white leghorns soo cuuute huh!?!?!
We were going to use our income tax mula to buy a shed for all my birds, but hubby and I agreed we should use that money for a deposit on a home for will better suit our needs and if we get enough land then as long as we have a basement my chickies can live temporarily in the basement lol! We just want a starter home, something that has SOME land so I can enjoy my chickens :). I'm holding off on getting the future BLRWs from my bud until I know what's going on better. His birds arent laying yet anyhow so it works out well. Im hatching everything else I'm getting this week in the mail,a nd then im not swapping or ordering anymore eggs. They'll just be housed in big dogboxes, or I'll build them small ground coops until we're in our own home. I hope so badly by this summer! :)
The next eggs to hatch areeee....*had to grab the calander* lol.... Road Island Reds (6 for my friend, and I'll prob keep 5 and if theres more than that i'll sell them to a guy at my moms work). They will be hatching on friday, on saturday some of my coturnix quail hen "Henny Penny" has a few more due, on the 24th my beloved and anxiously awaited for Ameraucanas are due as well as the rare Black Langshangs! Then on the 26th more coturnix from another breeder are due as well as more Henny Penny eggs, and some of my tibetan hen Rosies eggs as well are due! :)
In the mail I am expecting this week: Serama Eggs, EE eggs, Hamburg eggs, Pure Marans, Marans x EE, Marans x buff orpingtons....and I *THINK* that's it lol! Tho the week after ina swap i'll be getting more white leghorn eggies but those im not excited about only because I got enough chicks from the first batch, that I'll sell all the others that hatch so i'm happy enough with the first ones. It'll be nice to sell some with spring comin up everones wanting chickies. I wont sell for easter though as that's just dumb and cruel to the chicks.

Monday, February 9, 2009

Sick but happy :)

Ugh....for some reason I feel like I'm getting the flu all of asudden. I hope I'm wrong but I just got this flash that I could puke anytime. I've felt fine all day until now here at 8 pm. LOL. I know others are sick so I really hope my stomach just doesn't like the zero calorie pop I'm drinking or something I reeealllly don't want to be sick lol.

Well, just today I recieved in the mail 4 Bantam Barred Rock eggs (show quality stock), and a dozen coturnix eggs! I am so excited!!! A few other swappers mailed out eggs to me today! :) I'll get up early tomorrow too but I don't think I'll recieve any tomorrow already but who knows right? :) I'm expecting Bantam EE eggs, as well as Bantam Blue Orpington eggs, the Serama breeder her birds haven't been laying well, so she hasn't sent out mine yet to me I don't mind waiting. :) I am very excited about the bantam EEs and Bantam Blue Orps....I only was supposed to get the bantam EEs, but the sweet guy James offered me some of his Bantam Blue orpingtons as well! :)

I was talking to my dad about my chickens, and he's really cool with me wanting a nice sized shed for the birds which puts me at so much ease! I didn't want him mad about it, but he's cool with it so that makes me so happy! :) Things have been going so well for me, but in the back of my mind I keep worrying about layoffs. Things are only going well for me because my hubby works hard and makes decient money....however they're having trouble with finding wells to drill with the price of natural gas going it puts a real big damper on my happiness being TERRIFIED that my hubby may be layed off. I don't work so I cannot pick up the slack. I do not drive so I can't work. It's all frusterating and I just can only put my life and my hubbies live in Gods hands and hope things work out well. I have been trying my best not to worry....I have a feeling everything will be fine but I am a major worry this has been an issue to me. I almost dont want to talk about it even so this may be all that I type about it :).

I was on the computer today (suprise? LOL) and Toby my Golden comet roo figured out how to get out of the brooder, and roost on the top of it. I thought it was cute and I had no problem with letting him snooze there. About an hour went by and I noticed movement in the corner of my eye, here he had positioned himself and was staring direclty at me. I was like "...okay...." and turned back to my thing I know theres a wir of feathers, and he's on my back LOL! He flew about three feet and landedon my upper-back shoulder area and settled down for a nap. I thought it was the cutest thing ever :)

Two of my coturnix chicks from my hen Henny Penny and Roo Ike hatched. THey are sooo tiny and cute! I forgot how tiny Coturnix chicks are with hatching chicken chicks lately! LOL! The picture above shows just what I mean...those lil things are the coturnix the big yellow puffy thing is a newly hatched chick (that hatched the SAME day as them)! :) A gorgeous tuxedo chick I named Penguin, and a tibetan chick that I haven't named yet. :) I'll probably wait to name it until I know its sex. So I now know that tibetan is dominant over brown, and that white can be expressed through colors as long as the birds carry the white :D Henny Penny carries A & M (white) from her mother Big Bertha who is out in the rabbit hutch pen. :)

Friday, February 6, 2009

Got the Ameraucana eggs & the Black Langshangs!

Ooh boy oh boy! 11 Ameraucana eggs in the bator as well as 7 black langshangs! This upcoming monday 6+ serama eggs are being shipped out (the swapper had a mishap that involved tripping while eggs were in her so she's collecting me more to send out on monday....and 6+ EE bantam eggs will be shipped out then as well from another swapper! :)

I have eggs due this sunday.... 6-8 of Henny Pennys (my coturnix hen) eggs, and 2 GC x GC crosses from my roo Wimpy Cowboy and whichever of my golden comet hens that are laying. I already have one of Wimpy Cowboys babies in the brooder his/her name is Critter. It looks just like a golden comet roo, except it's not a sexlink so it could easily be a hen :). I hope it's a hen! It's a cutie and very sweet and has a different body shape from my "pure" golden comets.

Toby my oldest golden comet chick (a roo ofcourse) is getting BIG! He's such a sweet boy too....I hope to have him replace Wimpy Cowboy. I love Wimpy Cowboy but he's an older roo and he's terrified of me, I'll probably keep him and let him free range with my other future free rangers. I haven't fully decided yet, but it's hard to decide when I don't have all the birds already.

Monday I send out $ for show quality Ameraucana black, blue and splash eggies from a breeder in washington state! :D They are beautiful birds! Then the week after $ for blue laced red wyandottes! My gosh I cannot wait!!!

My first Catawba Coturnix Quails finnally got shipped out, I consider those my offical birds from my OWN breedings....and they went for free to an FFA project! :) In Missouri I think? LOL! I wasn't able to send a lot but everyone I did send go there in great condition.....or one may have cracked I'm not sure she said none did but she only mentioned 7 and I am pretty sure I shippedout 8 lol oh well! Me and my brain!!!

Tomorrow I get to go with hubby to his rig for a few hours to watch him drill. I've always wanted to see them work because he tries to explain that stuff to me and I'm clueless it's like chinese to it will be nice to actually SEE what "tripping pipe" means LOL! I'll be taking my camera :D

I'm getting some Marans x Buff Orpington crosses, some may be pure marans and pure orps too which will be neat and i requested any EEx marans crosses as well! :) They will be perfect in my future brown egg layer cross pen :D

After all of these eggs I AM DONE for a long while! I need to be lol! Or atleast I'm going to try to be! It's already going to be crazy hard because im going to need some extra brooders and brooder lamps! LOL!

Welp....nothing really more to ramble on about today :)

Monday, February 2, 2009

Now Seramas!!! Eggtitis

Well there was a swap on BYC, and I decided to BITE and I knew I had to BITE soon so in a blurr of eggtitis (addiction to hatching eggs haha) I posted TAKEN! and offered some more Road Island Red eggs which were gobbled up quickly by another member. So wednesday serama eggs should be mailed out for me! Oh I cannot wait!!!! The black langshangs, and the ameraucana eggs I was hoping were shipped out today were! So those will be coming this week as well! I am so Eggcited! :D

Now as long as I don't have any more silly problems with my incubator I should have a good deal of chicks everywhere!!! AHH! LOL The two chicks are in my brooder right now the closest one is Toby our favorite lil guy he's a sweetie :)

BYC Map on Frappr

I really don't have much to update other than I got a LARGE dogbox for my outside's huge I can go into it myself! LOL! My chicken chicks are growing like weeds, and I have SEVERAL eggs in the bator with more on the way! :D Expecting Ameraucanas black/split lav, and Black Langshangs in the mail next week! :D

Oh and next week sending out mula for show quality bred Ameraucanas BBS! :D I cannot wait!

I sent out some of my coturnixs eggs to an FFA project I hope they have a good hatch out of them I was only able to send out 8. Then I sent out 7 RIR hatching eggs for a swap I was in :).

I'll get around to adding pictures of the 3 golden comet chicks I have growing in the brooder :)