My babies are here!!!! Came on the day they were supposed to just a few hours later and thanks to the PO scaring me, I am never getting live birds mailed in again. They told my mom that the birds were LOST. They also told her that there was no other shipments coming in today so theres no way they'd be in today. Well I talked to several people who have recieved birds in the mail and they reassured me that there was always more than one shipment to a PO in a I had mom call back and sure enough they then said that yes there was. Like two hours later they call my mom and say my birds are there! So hubby and I rused down and picked up my babies!!!! They are in the gangly stage so right now they do not look impressive but if you know marans you know they are nice! Great leg color, NICE feathered shanks on the cockerel etc. I am VERY happy with them! I reccomend Funny Farms Marans to ANYONE! :) She has a few different colors and what not. If you'd like her contact info please contact me at I am happy to point customers her way! These birds are from Wade Jeanes C1 line :)
I also got in over 100 assorted colored coturnix quail eggs from a seller I buy from a lot! She ships SO if you want her info too again email me! :) She sells on ebay mostly. GREAT packing etc you wont be disapointed that's for sure. She threw in 12 button quail eggs so now im hatching those again lol! Looking for a home for them but not choosing a home until they hatch that way I dont disapoint anyone :). The eggs below this tray is over 30 RIR eggs hatching for a lady who bought from me once already, and to my friends who are going to buy and resell them :)....getting over 100 more for them this weekend (sunday prob).
Getting 13 marans eggs from a breeder!!! Some of the eggs are old though and coming from Cal. so im trying not to be too hopeful/excited but some are new so i'll atleast have some in a decient hatch. :D They prob won't be here tomorrow but the next day. I BETTER get the coturnix eggs I bought from a company...they cashed our mula, but that was days ago and still no eggs...these eggs are very important to me color wise so they better get here! *grumbles* lol!
Welp that's about it! I'm pretty happy so far lol!