So on valentines day the white leghorn chicks from ArabiansR2Cool started to pip, but didnt start hatching until sunday (15th), one took until today to come out into the world! So I have 7 lil annoying peepers! They are lucky they are cute cuz boy are they noisey! LOL!
That pic right there is of only 5 of them, the big white one up front giving me a sideways stare is
actually a golden comet mutt :).
The second picture here is of one of the white leghorns soo cuuute huh!?!?!
We were going to use our income tax mula to buy a shed for all my birds, but hubby and I agreed we should use that money for a deposit on a home for will better suit our needs and if we get enough land then as long as we have a basement my chickies can live temporarily in the basement lol! We just want a starter home, something that has SOME land so I can enjoy my chickens :). I'm holding off on getting the future BLRWs from my bud until I know what's going on better. His birds arent laying yet anyhow so it works out well. Im hatching everything else I'm getting this week in the mail,a nd then im not swapping or ordering anymore eggs. They'll just be housed in big dogboxes, or I'll build them small ground coops until we're in our own home. I hope so badly by this summer! :)
The next eggs to hatch areeee....*had to grab the calander* lol.... Road Island Reds (6 for my friend, and I'll prob keep 5 and if theres more than that i'll sell them to a guy at my moms work). They will be hatching on friday, on saturday some of my coturnix quail hen "Henny Penny" has a few more due, on the 24th my beloved and anxiously awaited for Ameraucanas are due as well as the rare Black Langshangs! Then on the 26th more coturnix from another breeder are due as well as more Henny Penny eggs, and some of my tibetan hen Rosies eggs as well are due! :)
In the mail I am expecting this week: Serama Eggs, EE eggs, Hamburg eggs, Pure Marans, Marans x EE, Marans x buff orpingtons....and I *THINK* that's it lol! Tho the week after ina swap i'll be getting more white leghorn eggies but those im not excited about only because I got enough chicks from the first batch, that I'll sell all the others that hatch so i'm happy enough with the first ones. It'll be nice to sell some with spring comin up everones wanting chickies. I wont sell for easter though as that's just dumb and cruel to the chicks.